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While the central valley in CA is scorching (110 f) I decided to bring the new Centauro to the coast. Can I post about the Beasts here? :( Left at 7:00 am (warm already) after changing all the fluids the night before -- what size is the rear end fill plug? Hate to admit it but I had to use something other than the correct wrench.... is it 19mm? Used synthetic on all (3.5 L engine, 750 ml gear oil, 250 ml rear end) -- front brake fluid and pads needed changing (they're ok) but parts didn't arrive yet... Despite having to overthrottle getting off the line each time - the bike ran very nicely. But it sure doesn't sound anything like the Centauro in the DVD. Lots of valve clatter and some tranny whine. The 5 speed tranny is great though and really much smoother than the 6 speed le mans I believe. From the start shifting is eaier, sounds and feels silky smooth. This beast has the givi windscreen which appears larger than OEM. I like the looks of the OEM but they're like $350! The pipes had a ceramic coating which I'm going to rre-do with jet hot with a nickel finish. Anyway, lopping alone hwy 12 at 70 and a short stretch of hwy 101 at 75 seemed just about right. The Centauro handled nicely in the twisties -- eh, for ME! -- going over to the coast on hwy 128. I did want to get back into the redwood twisties to recoup for my ride off the cliff trip last July -- Got to Fort Brag at 12:30 or so. It was piping hot until I could SEE the ocean . Then all got NICE and COOL. Beautiful -- didn't stop for pics! Riding position and comfort were great to me. No complaints at all. Left the next morning at 6:30 a/m/ in the fog and cold and got home at 11:30 - trying to beat the heat coming home... IT was FOGGY like heck until I made the turn inland at the 128 route. Then the sun started coming up. Problem was sunglasses :bbblll: Riding west with the sun coming up, even that early meant I needed sunglasses. But then dipping down into the redwoods now and then I couldn't see! Man.



1. Harley riders appear to be total adam henry's Now I didn't see any HD's in the hills anywhere. In towns like Napa, Calistoga, and Fort Brag, I saw then as I passed and I waved - you know - zero waved back. On the other hand, all other bikes waved. I mean even riding on hwy 101, bikes going in the southbound lanes waved across the divide. Plenty, plenty of riders going to moto gp....

2. Engine oil temp ran hot I thought at like 110 C with a couple of stretches beyond that.

3. I have to check for that leak in my right hand throttle body rubber boot, do the TB balance and set tps - the bad low speed performance I don't like.

4. Once up and running, the beast ran perfectly except for more noise than I thought but it's not bad, just different. The 4-valve sound pretty darn good though when opened up :D Sound level and type of sound seemed to be better after I changed the fluids too ?

5. Does anybody use throttlemeisters on their beast?

6. distance 423 mi


I"ve got the OEM adjustable handlebars on order from Moto International. Bags space is a problem (wish I had the money to get the KTM Adventure-Tourer too)


Only took a couple of pics :huh2:


OK Al, waiting for your post :bike:



She's so bella Tom!


I had my first "encounter" with a Centauro at the Sport Touring.Net West Coast Regional. I'd never even seen one before. It was yellow, it was lovely, it was...well, it was SO Moto Guzzi! Love, passion, Guzzi. :wub:


My wife and I rode our bikes down from our home here in Eureka, CA (a scorcher here...mid 70's F, 20's C) down south along the Avenue of the Giants to Phillipsville for a burger and pie where it was 103 F (40 C)!!! We were glad to be "just visiting" the heat and ran away home right away to the much more sane temps here on the northcoast. :sun:


You really needed to take an extra day and avail yourself of our guest room and enjoy the relative cool of Humboldt County. Next time. ;)


Which brings up a point. Any Guzzisti traveling through this area (northern most coast of California, crazy good scenery and legendary motorcycle roads) are welcome to stay the night in our guest room. We can offer a double bed, bathroom and laundry useage to all Guzzisti on the road. PM me for reservations.


Congrats Tom...we all know how special a new bike it and it looks like you've found a charmer!




p.s. I want some better pictures of the bike please.

  tomsp said:

... new Centauro to the coast. Can I post about the Beasts here?


Of course! We're all fellow spine-frame orphans, now that Mama Guzzi has moved on to her next generation of bikes... ;)




1. Harley riders appear to be total adam henry's Now I didn't see any HD's in the hills anywhere. In towns like Napa, Calistoga, and Fort Brag, I saw then as I passed and I waved - you know - zero waved back. On the other hand, all other bikes waved. I mean even riding on hwy 101, bikes going in the southbound lanes waved across the divide. Plenty, plenty of riders going to moto gp....

2. Engine oil temp ran hot I thought at like 110 C with a couple of stretches beyond that.

3. I have to check for that leak in my right hand throttle body rubber boot, do the TB balance and set tps - the bad low speed performance I don't like.

4. Once up and running, the beast ran perfectly except for more noise than I thought but it's not bad, just different. The 4-valve sound pretty darn good though when opened up :D Sound level and type of sound seemed to be better after I changed the fluids too ?


1: the thing you have to remember, is that the vast majority of Harley riders these days are RUBbies, who're not daily riders, and frequently experiencing sensory overload when they do get out and ride. You really don't want someone who's just borderline stable/in control taking their hand off the bar to wave @ and target fixate on you, do you? :rolleyes:

2: the HiCams are known for running hot, from what I hear. Not enough airflow to that piston crown w/ that busy, busy head... :nerd:

3: WD40, the liquid toolkit! ;)

4: HiCams are also known for having a lot of top-end noise: what do you expect? 2x the valves, man! :grin:


I'm not known for being a fan of the Centauro's styling, but I do love the looks of the HiCam engine. Your bike looks excellent; glad she's found someone who appreciates her & wants to get things sorted!



  • 3 weeks later...
  antonio carroccio said:

Lodi, Italy says more to me. :nerd:




BTW looks like Lodi Italy and Lodi California are twins city.



Actually, Lodi is wherever you are. That's the significance of Creedence Clearwater Revival's song, Stuck in Lodi, Again: supposedly, there's a town called "Lodi" in every state of the Union.


In the case of Lodi, CA, it's a town that used to be an eye blink in the middle of farm country. About 10 years ago (mebbe 15, now?) they joined the 20th century and got a Wal-Mart, Target, & all the other cr@p that completely removes the local "color" from a town (but provides modern conveniences at a price people can afford...)


Now the farm land is being converted to grapes (like CA needs more wine grapes! :rolleyes:) and condos as Stockton's suburbs slowly encroach on what used to be the quiet town in the middle of nowhere. Still, Lodi is great place to get off the 5, gas up, & enter the Delta... :thumbsup:


Ride on!


Guest ratchethack

Bought the Green River album in 1969, the 3rd from CCR. Still got it, and it's in pristine condition.




Just about a year ago,

I set out on the road,

Seeking my fame and fortune,

Looking for a pot of gold.

Things got bad, and things got worse,

I guess you will know the tune.

Oh ! Lord, Stuck in Lodi again.


Rode in on the Greyhound,

I'll be walking out if I go.

I was just passing through,

Must be seven months or more.

Ran out of time and money,

Looks like they took my friends.

Oh ! Lord, I'm stuck in Lodi again.


The man from the magazine said I was on my way.

Somewhere I lost connections, ran out of songs to play.

I came into town, a one night stand,

Looks like my plans fell through

Oh ! Lord, Stuck in Lodi again.



If I only had a dollar, for ev'ry song I've sung.

And ev'ry time I've had to play

While people sat there drunk.

You know, I'd catch the next train back to where I live.

Oh ! Lord, I'm stuck in Lodi again.

Oh ! Lord, I'm stuck in Lodi again.


- John C. Fogerty

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