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  quazi-moto said:

My floppy tach & speedo mounts finally let go. What's the best fix for this nonsense?


That sort of depends upon which model of Guzzi you have.


On my LeMans I took out the brass wing ding that the screws go into

and drilled through the rubber mounts and bottom plates then put long

stainless screws through the whole shmeal with an assortment of SS washers

and thick rubber washers between the screw head and CF face plate.


The final solution after many attempts @ sticking with the original set up.

Have been on a few GS trips on dirt roads and all that Vermont frost heave

stuff for about 4K mi now...done deal.


I ended up using a piece of nylon bushing ('bout 1' long, 3/8" thick or so) and rubber grommets that fit on the outside to make a sort of flex mount, with a stainless bolt and nut thru the middle to hold the whole taco together. Seems to be holding up fine 10k miles later.




When I mounted the carbon fiber Lemans dash on my Cafe Sport I used two rubber 5/16" (bolt size) rubber well nuts, stainless cap screws that went all the way through, and stainless fender washers on the bottom, fastened with nylon insert locknuts. The setup works excellent; I dare say the gauges are better mounted now than they were on the original stalk, plus I remain assured that even if the rubber deteriorates, the fender washer will prevent the bolt from ever coming completely through the mount. I thought about this in the aisle of the local hardware store for quite some time, as I was forced to start from scratch, as the cafe sport / ballabio / coppa mount is completey different.



Guest ratchethack
  Dr Gil said:

JB Welded the whole damned thing together. Nice and ridgid now for 6 months. ;)

Yikes! I'd be more'n a little concerned about eventual vibration damage to the instruments, Gil. :(



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