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Hello from the Colonies LOL


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Hi there

My name is Joe and I just bought a Guzzi.


It seems most of you are in England or Australia, but there must be a few from the US like me. I found this site to be very informative, and friendly. My bike is a 2004 V11 Sport Naked, and it's on it's way from a dealer in Missouri. I hope to get a good month of riding in before the season ends. I'll have to share riding time with my other bike, an old school Harley chopper. The Guzzi will be more useful, I'm sure.


Well this is just a short note to say Hi. I'm going to be posting more when I actually have the bike.


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Hi there

My name is Joe and I just bought a Guzzi.


It seems most of you are in England or Australia, but there must be a few from the US like me. I found this site to be very informative, and friendly. My bike is a 2004 V11 Sport Naked, and it's on it's way from a dealer in Missouri. I hope to get a good month of riding in before the season ends. I'll have to share riding time with my other bike, an old school Harley chopper. The Guzzi will be more useful, I'm sure.


Well this is just a short note to say Hi. I'm going to be posting more when I actually have the bike.



Hey Joe !!

Greetings and welcome from the real colonies, eh,

Thats up here in the frozen north of Canada.

Enjoy your Guzzi :thumbsup: and those beautiful roads in new England!!




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Hey Joe, welcome to the group. This is a very balanced forum as evidenced by the fact that the Euro-Oz contingent thinks there are an awful lot of Yanks on it and vicey-versy.


I am in NYC so post if you are going anywhere. Fellow listers like to meet and greet.






Work in progress:



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what is that growth on the front of your guzzi? :o , you might wanna get that looked at :lol: oh wait its just a gaudy wind screen. :grin:

to each their own my man :mg:


Not just enny ol' gaudy windscreen; that looks like a repop of a LM1 windscreen, sorta kinda if you squint just right & look at it in a certain light...



Kinda neat, tying the V11 back to the archetype that way... :thumbsup:

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Hey Joe, welcome to the group. This is a very balanced forum as evidenced by the fact that the Euro-Oz contingent thinks there are an awful lot of Yanks on it and vicey-versy.



Excuse me but do we have to have the Aussies. Can't it be Euro v US & OZ :D


No seriously a good balance in all respects on here, even those who've not yet converted or strayed from the light :mg:

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Wow, that was fun! I just took my first ride - 150 miles - to show off to friends and relatives. The bike arrived at my neighbor's shop Thursday in the rain, with rain forcast for two more days. When I got up on Friday, there was a break in the weather, so I said "screw going to work, I'm picking up my bike!" There was a little bit of entertainment while we tried to figure out how to remove the seat to jump the battery, but finally one of the kids there noticed the key lock. :P Owner's manual was under the seat, too.

Filled the tank, and took her home, with a few sprinkles along the way. What a beautiful sound, even with stock mufflers. Sounded like a hot V8 in my garage. But I need it to be louder on the road! Parked and took the car to work, since it was going to rain very hard that day. Here she is:




Today turned out to be a return of summer, so after a few errands in the morning, I took off and got familiar with the bike. I love it! Still working on my riding postition, got a little sore in the shoulders. If I can't get used to the low bars, I'll raise them up over the winter. Might put lower Buell pegs on it, too. But I don't intend to change anything for the remainder of this season.


I went on nice curvey 2-lane highways, boring Interstates, and through little towns. It does it all well. I only had a couple of issues, firstly the dreaded tank-suck! Also there is a little leak at the bottom of my left fork. Lastly, the bike seems more comfortable turning right than left at intersection speeds. I don't know if that's how they are, or something is out of alignment. But overall it's a sweet bike. I'm still getting used to it, so the "chicken strips" on the tires are still about an inch wide. That'll change as time goes on.




PS: Here's my chopper - Old Skool Baby! B)



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Wow, that was fun! I just took my first ride - 150 miles - to show off to friends and relatives. The bike arrived at my neighbor's shop Thursday in the rain, with rain forcast for two more days. When I got up on Friday, there was a break in the weather, so I said "screw going to work, I'm picking up my bike!" There was a little bit of entertainment while we tried to figure out how to remove the seat to jump the battery, but finally one of the kids there noticed the key lock. :P Owner's manual was under the seat, too.

Filled the tank, and took her home, with a few sprinkles along the way. What a beautiful sound, even with stock mufflers. Sounded like a hot V8 in my garage. But I need it to be louder on the road! Parked and took the car to work, since it was going to rain very hard that day. Here she is:




Today turned out to be a return of summer, so after a few errands in the morning, I took off and got familiar with the bike. I love it! Still working on my riding postition, got a little sore in the shoulders. If I can't get used to the low bars, I'll raise them up over the winter. Might put lower Buell pegs on it, too. But I don't intend to change anything for the remainder of this season.


I went on nice curvey 2-lane highways, boring Interstates, and through little towns. It does it all well. I only had a couple of issues, firstly the dreaded tank-suck! Also there is a little leak at the bottom of my left fork. Lastly, the bike seems more comfortable turning right than left at intersection speeds. I don't know if that's how they are, or something is out of alignment. But overall it's a sweet bike. I'm still getting used to it, so the "chicken strips" on the tires are still about an inch wide. That'll change as time goes on.




PS: Here's my chopper - Old Skool Baby! B)



except for the tank I love that chopper, just personal taste really, bike looks great. :thumbsup:

Guzzi's are like no other bikes to me. keeper goin :race:

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