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What up everyone... been lurking for a couple weeks, or longer really if you consider I wanted a Centauro a couple years ago but just didn't make the step. I've only really been riding for about 3 years now... first bike was a KTM Duke II (still miss it!!!). I figured I did most my riding to and from work, and it would be nice to have a little more comfort and better luggage options. Well, then a Centauro caught my eye here locally and the thought of owning a MG was in my heart!


I wasn't allowed to test ride the Centauro, but sitting on it made me feel it may be too much bike for me at the time. I ended up with a new Suzuki cruiser, which was fine and bland. Customized as much as possible it never had soul and became boring after a couple years. I had been watching the old stock sale at Moto International for a while, but I ended up buying an '02 LeMans from a member here (freeman). I didn't know how lucky I would end up until I saw how beautiful the candy apple red was in person!!!!


The LM came with a Corbin that is quite stiff, but it also came with the stock seat that was customized by Rich for the previous owner... and I have to say, the riding position was tough before Rich's seat. Now, the seat has made ALL the difference! I feel I can ride for hours... much more tolerable!


So far, I am in love with my bike. I dream about riding it every day. I park her in the parking lot, take my helmet off, and just look at her for a minute or two before going in.


Anyway... proud to be a Guzzi owner. Had nothing but GREAT comments from everyone I encounter so far... and the looks!!!


Welcome!! You will find a lot of info here, and some stuff to really waste the working day away too :D

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