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Another new guy


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Hey Everyone

Well I've bought my first Guzzi. I've been riding for 25 years or so. Starting with Yamaha's and then several Honda's (I work for Honda so the discount thing ya know) the last 9 years on a Valkyrie.

But I just bought a 2003 LeMans.

My Brother has been riding Guzzi's for several years and always trying to get me to buy one.

Unfortunately My Brother was murdered Jan. 3rd 06. So when I started getting the urge to get something

a little more sporty for a second bike I knew I wanted to make it a Guzzi. I sure hope He somehow knows it.


So I'm in central Ohio and the bike is in Jacksonville Fl. I'm flying down there on Thanksgiving day 11/23/06

and riding back to Ohio. Hopefully no snow on the way.


Any advice about the bike will be greatly appreciated. The bike is supposed to be well kept and all stock.

Should I check out anything in particular about the Lemans. I'll check normal stuff like tires, oil, nut's & bolts





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I'm sorry to hear about your brother, and may he ride with and watch over you.


I'm not sure I have much to say about looking over the bike. If you have time, check the valve clearances. Put the bike up on a center stand and spin the rear wheel (to make sure the brake is not binding). Check the disk for heat-discoloration. There might be some, but it shouldn't be too bad. Spin the rear wheel backwards also- if it starts groaning (no kidding), then the caliper probably needs to be cleaned out. If the brake is ok, spinning the wheel will also give you an idea about shape of the rear wheel bearings. A few here have reported bad rear wheel bearings for a variety of reasons. I'd check the front wheel also as well as steering head bearings. Pretty easy to do if the bike is on a centerstand.


I've driven my Sport all over heck and gone, and they just eat up the miles. With the better fairing of the LeMans, you shouldn't have any (non weather) problems. Maybe take some aspirin with you for the inevitable muscle and joint pain of a long ride.


Map out a few dealers on your route, in case you do have any problems. When you get home, there's at least one great dealer in OH- Joe Eish. I've not dealt with him, but I've heard nothing but good things (make sure you join MGNOC so you get a discount with him).


I'm way out of your way, but if you pass through Iowa City, you have a place to stay and some turkey leftovers. I usually smoke 2 birds for Tday. Damn tasty. :food:

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All that JRT mentioned is real good advise.... :notworthy:


I suggest some kind of butt pad. I use an Alaska Leather sheepskin cover at times($50).


The Guzzi seat is good for about 200 miles, then grows teeth!

Your looking at around 1000 miles?


When you get that Guzzi back to Ohio, we have a few regular gatherings you might want to attend.

We can never replace your brother but we can be "brothers in arms".




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Thanks again, good ideas on checking the bike out and the seat pad. I will do those things.


Tracey I will want to make some of those gatherings. I went to the rally in New Cumberland WV a few times with Greg (my Brother). Unfortunately I know that rally probably won't be happening any more.

I am really looking forward to making this trip and to next year riding my new Moto Guzzi.



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Another fine machine coming to OHIO!

We have a few small rallies around, also breakfasts twice a month for most of the year. More to follow...

Please make a safe trip home and watch the troopers. The Carolina states and Virgina can be costly....


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