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MG 1200 Sport!!


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What, are you channeling Danforth Quayle?!?


Regardless of whether you say "Po-TAY-to" or "Po-TAH-to," it's still spelled "P'taytuh" oops! - sorry, "potato..."



The only thing interesting about the 1200 Sport is the fact that the factory go fast(er) parts will be made available for it, which means lots of Breva & Griso owners may be able to kit up their bikes [all parts same-same] and perhaps a trickle-down effect of dual-plug heads making their way to V11s via eBay. (hypothesis)


Other than that, it's a black Breva, w/o so much as even USD forks to justify a price differential. Not exciting.


C'mon Piaggio, you can do better than this!


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What, are you channeling Danforth Quayle?!?

yes, it is an archaic form of the spelling

hence it's use here. Ain't Motoe Guzzi mode an archaic mode?

If the Grisoe gets an 8-valve motor I'll consider dropping the e.


Or else it's just to annoy the Aemericaens.


Other than that, it's a black Breva

black Br*va


Danforth Quayle?!?





"Republicans have been accused of abandoning the poor. It's the other way around. They never vote for us." -- Quayle,1988 :lol::lol::lol:

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Looks great to me!


Evoloution comes slowly, first the Breva series then the Norge. These models will bring new riders into the MG fold along with $$$$$ for Piagio. This means more technology will come to the sport bikes we love most.


As I see it, this new 1200 Sport is just the next step, it looks fresh and modern while retaining the MG look and character.


Good for them and us.


As to when or if we will see a 4 valve Sport who knows. Give it a little time and we might actually see a street MGS01 :food: but remember that the Brevas and the Norges will be the money makers for the company, MGS01 sales will not be a very significant source of profit just icing on the cake.


Piagio, are you listening?

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As to when or if we will see a 4 valve Sport who knows. Give it a little time and we might actually see a street MGS01 :food: but remember that the Brevas and the Norges will be the money makers for the company, MGS01 sales will not be a very significant source of profit just icing on the cake.



It is very unlikely to see any kind of sportsbike from Guzzi. You see , a 160PS 2Cyl. motor was already made since 8-9 years ago.Now if Guzi was supported to show the kind of a character it had in the old days , with speed record braking and race winning that would have happened by now and they'd have a sporty bike in their rooster.But they don't and unfortunatelly as it seems to me until now they won't.

I hope I am wrong on this though.


As far as the ''Road leagal'' MGS , I have heared this joke some years now, and I haven't laughed at all.

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I would like to see it in different livery - to me it is missing a certain something. Right now. I think it is too arched. I prefer the V11 or the Griso 1200. I also wonder why not make the MGS-01 street legal? This seems so obvious...



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(sniiip) but remember that the Brevas and the Norges will be the money makers for the company, MGS01 sales will not be a very significant source of profit just icing on the cake.



i don't know if you guys read the leaked Ducati company memo on the net last year ? it was an analysis of the company made very frankly and with no gloves...anyway, the point is that even tho Mostros are the best sellers, the real money is made on the expensive machines: it's the limited editions, the top of the bill bikes that are really very profitable.


so, personally, looking at Guzzi i don't buy it: brevas and norges might sell ok and assume their part in the company's cash flow but that's forgetting a significant part of the MG crowd ready to buy even a watered down version of the MGS01 or any sporty 2 valves type. And that's also money and not as hard to grab as they think. (i would like to add that if the 8 valves griso is true, it's just plain down stupid not to armour it around a sport bike package ...What is Piaggo thinking ?)


MG should look at Bologna and learn a few things from them: Minoli's blog is a clever and inexpensive device to test the fans. It wouldn't be a stupid move to officialize a bit more the still going sales of the race going MGS01, it wouldn't cost much to make a road going and EC approved version of it, especially if, like ducatis, you install a pre payment...I should know, a friend of mine just put a pre payment on a 60.000 Euros Ducati RR and there are at least 500 other guys like him queuing round the block...


In a market that shrinks, the bolder ones wins.

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i don't know if you guys read the leaked Ducati company memo on the net last year ? it was an analysis of the company made very frankly and with no gloves...anyway, the point is that even tho Mostros are the best sellers, the real money is made on the expensive machines: it's the limited editions, the top of the bill bikes that are really very profitable.


No I didn't read it, and that's very interesting. Goes to show why I'm not an economist...nor rich.

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"Republicans have been accused of abandoning the poor. It's the other way around. They never vote for us." -- Quayle,1988 :lol::lol::lol:


That's priceless. I used to wonder how a man so obviously ineloquent and so apparently stupid could be vice president. Take the "vice" away and you have what I wonder now.

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Guest Barnapkin

One thing that I think needs to be addressed by MG and ducati, is the new R1200s' performance.


Ducati has upped the displacement of it's 2V motor, and the 1200 MG engine is becoming the standard for MG bikes. Both of these are still no where near 100hp, and probably won't because they are 2V; not 4V engines. I bet that most of us would love to see 90hp and 75-80ftlbs torqe from the MG.


I think that MG is missing a key point in their lineup. They need a reasonably priced model that has good performance. It doesn't have to be a superbike. Regardless of the ducati press release content, the monster series keeps their lights on, and out of the red. MG needs to put the 850 Griso in the US with all of the engine upgrades, not a regurgitated 850 from eons ago, and price it around $8500-9000US. Place a 1200 version around $11000. They would double their sales. They have to make a product that the masses want to buy.


Only folks like us, who appreciate the V11 for what it is, have kept MG alive. No one really wants to spend $12000+ for an underperforming/quirky machine that needs lots of $$ to make work correctly. :mg: I read a lot of posts on ducati and MG forums, and I am amazed at the amount of $$ that prople are willing to throw at their bikes just to make them function the way that they want to. I realize that there will always be a need to make upgrades. When the investment constitites nearly re-engineering the bike, then the base product is deficient. BMW's boxer has been fixed, now it's Ducati and MG's turn to do the same to their twins.


I believe that 2V twins are the best powertrain for a steet bike, so I keep hopeing for a better starting point.

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Only folks like us, who appreciate the V11 for what it is, have kept MG alive. No one really wants to spend $12000+ for an underperforming/quirky machine that needs lots of $$ to make work correctly. :mg: I read a lot of posts on ducati and MG forums, and I am amazed at the amount of $$ that prople are willing to throw at their bikes just to make them function the way that they want to.


I believe that 2V twins are the best powertrain for a steet bike, so I keep hoping for a better starting point.


Yep , the way they want to , but that's a luxury we are ''allowed'' to have and indeed is a luxury not a necessity.

If you had a japanese bike for instance , these cheap quality things you'll need at least some thousand $$ to improve the suspension and the brakes (at least brake disks that the default ones wear out after20-30K km) And there if you look at magazine there are $$$ going on for improving high engine performance, suggested to the people , things that they of cource don't need


Moto Guzzis are mostly hand build and with good quality components, how that can get to ''chaep'' prices?

Guzzi never was on that league of chaepness in components and I hope they never will.

Besides, Guzzi doesn't have the potencial to reach production numbers of BMW or Ducati, all they need for me is a good sales and service network.


Guzzis are exclusive bikes and I hope they'll remain so.

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Only folks like us, who appreciate the V11 for what it is, have kept MG alive.



Actually, it's sales of the CALIFORNIA line that have kept Guzzi afloat over the past few years.


V11 Sport/LeMans sales are a drop in the bucket by comparison.




No one really wants to spend $12000+ for an underperforming/quirky machine that needs lots of $$ to make work correctly.



Exactly why the V11 Sport/LeMans series never sold well when sitting in the dealerships.



My Nero Corsa's MSRP was what? $14,995 ??? The first owner paid $11,000 for it. I was happy to pay $10,000 for it one year old with 2,300 miles on the clock.


Heck, the dealers have even had a bit of trouble selling Cafe Sports and Sport Nakeds at "firesale" prices. I think Moto International still has some Ballabios and Cafe Sports...



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