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service items high cost of in uk?


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I decided that at 18000miles I really oughta consider changing the fuel filter as part of my winter bike clean/service routine. I enquired via the usual sources to be qtd around £18 for the filter hmmm I thought.


I then removed the filter and took the trip to my local motor factors,the no's on the filter (marrelli) proved useless so we took to physically matching the filter from stock available. Within 5 mins I had found a close match from.......an astra GTE ! costing....£4! Bargain!!!

ok its slightly smaller in length and diameter but that was easily sorted with a piece of old inner tube as a packer between the mounting clip and original rubber packer. The small difference in length is of no matter.The 8mm hose mounts were identical so no issue there. This got me thinking about the oil filter and having a spare new one with me we carried out the same procedure finding a Ford CVH engine filter being what appears to be an identical match. ok,until I actually do get to screw it on I cant be 100% but it looks identical so I be surprised if it not ok, cost? £3 !! instead of the £8 or so usual I pay. Ye I know not huge savings but I sure they will do the same job and why pay over the odds? These are Unipart items so will be of good quality.At the end of the day a filter is a filter! Now wondering where I will find my next air filter...


Has anyone else found similar examples of parts available (a feat in itself for Guzzi) elsewhere at much reduced costs. My replacment Bosch headlamp was a prime example last year of a huge saving over Guzzi price. Same lamp, half the price from BMW.

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Guest ratchethack

Has anyone else found similar examples of parts available (a feat in itself for Guzzi) elsewhere at much reduced costs.

Andy, my hat's off to you. I'd encourage you in this direction with enthusiasm, but BE FORWARNED! :rolleyes:


Per several previous excursions down Filter Analysis Lane on this Forum (search topics on air and oil filters), best be prepared for strenuous objection and fierce opposition to any deviation from historic CONSENSUS on what might be judged acceptable! These are dark and treacherous waters, my friend. They're teeming with powerful, horrendously twisted undercurrents, roiling with lifetimes of pent-up emotion and the most fervent of religious convictions (taken entirely on faith) -- some of which are absolutely devoid of logic, knowledge, or any comprehension of performance or value whatsoever!! :whistle:


Now should you happen to find (and then actually provide here via link or direct copy) wot by any objective analysis would appear to be the highest quality rigorous, scientifically conducted and well corroborated, independent testing evaluation and comparison data to back up y'er selection of filter, you should understand that there are those who don't take such threats to the status quo kindly!!! They're well prepared to defend wot they consider "their turf", evidently without concern of publicly exposing their lack of common sense, and without providing much of any foundation whatsoever for their position!!! The Divine Wind of the Kamikaze is seemingly at their backs, these fanatic suicide bombers instantly get their reward of 72 virgins for splattering their DNA amongst a crowd, the more spectacular the mayhem the better once jihad is underway, and THERE IS NO SURRENDER!!!! You will be placing y'erself at particularly high risk of provoking the most withering attacks of seething animosity and vicious character assasination, with malice aforethought !!! :o:whistle:


In other words, Andy -- By all means CARRY ON! -- But f'er God's sake watch y'er 6 o'clock! :thumbsup:


- Cdr. Hatchracket, Cost/Value Regiment, Quality/Economy of Scale Div. :lol:

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I have subtituted the air filter with a BMC, gave 60Euros and won't mess with it anymore.All it needs is a bit cleaning (correct proscces-no compressed air ,but the liquid and some oiling every 20K km or so).

There are some arguments on this subject , but none of them is provable.

I use theOEM fuel filters and there are some euivelent from UFI as well for 30% of the OEM, though have not tried them yet.

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I have subtituted the air filter with a BMC, gave 60Euros and won't mess with it anymore.All it needs is a bit cleaning (correct proscces-no compressed air ,but the liquid and some oiling every 20K km or so).

There are some arguments on this subject , but none of them is provable.

I use theOEM fuel filters and there are some euivelent from UFI as well for 30% of the OEM, though have not tried them yet.

The oil filter I obtained from Guzzi dealer is a UFI item. However why pay even 70% of OEM when you can get away with paying 40% ? Cleanable air filters a good idea although if I can find a good quality paper one for a couple of punds or so it will prove ,more cost effective unless of course I live to be 101 yrs old! lol

I just dont see point of linng peoples pockets unnecessarily when there are viable alternatives out there.


Call me Scrooge!! :grin:


Well the suns finally shinin so with the V1100 still in bits I think I give the 250TS a run....ring a ding ding lol


Andy, my hat's off to you. I'd encourage you in this direction with enthusiasm, but BE FORWARNED! :rolleyes:


Per several previous excursions down Filter Analysis Lane on this Forum (search topics on air and oil filters), best be prepared for strenuous objection and fierce opposition to any deviation from historic CONSENSUS on what might be judged acceptable! These are dark and treacherous waters, my friend. They're teeming with powerful, horrendously twisted undercurrents, roiling with lifetimes of pent-up emotion and the most fervent of religious convictions (taken entirely on faith) -- some of which are absolutely devoid of logic, knowledge, or any comprehension of performance or value whatsoever!! :whistle:


Now should you happen to find (and then actually provide here via link or direct copy) wot by any objective analysis would appear to be the highest quality rigorous, scientifically conducted and well corroborated, independent testing evaluation and comparison data to back up y'er selection of filter, you should understand that there are those who don't take such threats to the status quo kindly!!! They're well prepared to defend wot they consider "their turf", evidently without concern of publicly exposing their lack of common sense, and without providing much of any foundation whatsoever for their position!!! The Divine Wind of the Kamikaze is seemingly at their backs, these fanatic suicide bombers instantly get their reward of 72 virgins for splattering their DNA amongst a crowd, the more spectacular the mayhem the better once jihad is underway, and THERE IS NO SURRENDER!!!! You will be placing y'erself at particularly high risk of provoking the most withering attacks of seething animosity and vicious character assasination, with malice aforethought !!! :o:whistle:


In other words, Andy -- By all means CARRY ON! -- But f'er God's sake watch y'er 6 o'clock! :thumbsup:


- Cdr. Hatchracket, Cost/Value Regiment, Quality/Economy of Scale Div. :lol:

:D ye of course :oldgit: lol

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